Thursday, March 22, 2012

Resolution against Sri Lanka at the UNHRC adopted

Resolution against Sri Lanka at the UNHRC adopted

 Date:2012-03-22 15:10:00

4.08 P.M -  The resolution against Sri Lanka was adopted a short while ago with 24 votes in favor, 15 against and 8 abstentions.

Breakdown of votes
Against – Sri Lanka, China, Uganda, Indonesia, Maldives, Bangladesh, Cuba, Congo, Ecuador, Kuwait, Mauritania, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand

Abstentions – Angola, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Djibouti, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Senegal

Favour – United States, Mexico, India, Nigeria, Austria, Belgium, Benin, Cameroon, Chile, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Guatemala, Hungary, Italy, Libya, Mauritius, Norway, Peru, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Uruguay

Statements made at the 19th session of the UN Human Rights Council when the resolution sponsored by the United States was taken up for debate today.

3.57 P.M - Phillipines
The delegation of Phillipines stated that technical assistance had been aimed at developing countries forcing them into submission and that it has been used as an instrument to pressurize these countries. The delegation voted against the resolution.

Thailand – The delegation of Thailand stated that Sri Lanka has shown strong commitment to reconciliation and sustainable development, while stating that Sri Lanka has demonstrated their commitment to the council. They voted against the resolution requesting Sri Lanka to implement LLRC recommendations without delay and share it’s progress with the council.

3.48 P.M – Uruguay
The delegation of Uruguay said that reconciliation efforts are carried out by the Sri Lankan government and that they recognize the value of work carried out by the Lessons learnt Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) while stating that the Sri Lankan govenrment’s willingness to comply with the recommendations of the LLRC is credible.

They also requested Sri Lanka continue to implement the recommendations while pledging their vote against the resolution. 

3.45 P.M. – Equador

The delegation of Equador stated that Sri Lanka has shown political willingness to improve the human rights situation. They also stated that the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) report recommendation has been made to investigate the human rights violations and that Sri Lanka should inform the results of the implementation of the recommendations to the UNHRC this year.  Stating the above facts, they voted against the resolution.

The delegation of Russia stated that reconciliation must be carried out by Sri Lankans and that interference is counterproductive. They also added that attempts to dictate a sovereign country is not acceptable. Russia voted against the resolution.

3. 30 P.M. - Cuba
The delegation of Cuba said that there is a double standard of play at the UNHRC with this draft resolution. Many other states who have faced prolonged conflicts had many time transitions in order to create better conditions for their people. Some of them are united now and the countries who support this draft resolution have been particularly involved in this regard.

The delegation further added that the allegations of terrorism are completely false in the resolution. While also adding that the resolution proposed by the European Union in 2003 on the Saddam Hussein regime had requested for international cooperation however, this resolution does not call for any international cooperation.

He further added that neither the indiscriminate bombing by NATO nor attacks by Israel have been addressed previously by the UNHRC and thus questioned the motives of this resolution.

The work done by the Sri Lankan representatives in alerting the council periodically on its efforts at reconciliation was also commended by Cuba.

He further noted that 40% of trade in arms in Sri Lanka was conducted with the UK, USA and Israel.

While the Sri Lankan government was committed to reconciliation, he also noted that Sri Lanka has been influenced by Colonial powers because of its strategic location. The delegate of Cuba also encouraged the house to avoid politicization and work towards cooperation.

3.20 P.M. - Sri Lanka
President’s special human rights envoy Mahinda Samarasinghe speaking at the UNHRC session stated that Sri Lanka should be given time and space to continue the process of reconciliation and that a reasonable time period should be allocated for the implementation of LLRC recommendations.

Emphasizing the necessity of voting against the resolution he said that if such a resolution is accepted it will affect the sovereignty of the country and that reconciliation process will not be free of intervention.

3.10 P.M. - Cuba
Cuban delegate speaking at the 19th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) put forward a proposition to the co-sponsors of the resolution on Sri Lanka to postpone the matter till September.

The United States in reply to the Cuban delegate stated that the resolution should be taken up and not be postponed, as it was a straightforward resolution calling on the implementation of the LLRC.

(Ceylon Today Online)

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