Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Paris Terrorist Attacks and the “Official Story”..

The Paris Terrorist Attacks and the “Official Story”: 
The Matrix Extends Its Reach

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Global Research, November 14, 2015

Within one hour of the Paris attacks and without any evidence, the story was set in stone that the perpetrator was ISIL. This is the way propagada works.

When the West does it, it always succeeds, because the world is accustomed to following the lead of the West. I was amazed to see, for example, Russian news services helping to spread the official story of the Paris attacks despite Russia herself having suffered so often from planted false stories.

Has the Russian media forgotten MH-17? The minute the story was reported that the Malaysian airliner was hit by a Russian missile over eastern Ukraine in the hands of separatists, the blame was ascribed to Russia. And that is where the blame remains despite the absence of evidence.

Has the Russian media also forgotten the “Russian invasion of Ukraine”? This preposterous story is accepted everywhere in the West as gospel.

Has the Russian media forgot about the book by the German newspaper editor who wrote that every European journalist of consequence was an asset of the CIA?

One would have thought that experience would have taught Russian media sources to be
careful about explanations that originate in the West.

So now we have what is likely to be another false story set in stone. Just as a few Saudis with box cutters outwitted the entire US national security state, ISIL managed to acquire unacquirable weapons and outwit French intelligence while organizing a series of attacks in Paris.

Why did ISIL do this? Blowback for France’s small role in Washington’s Middle East violence?
Why not the US instead?

Or was ISIL’s purpose to have the flow of refugees into Europe blocked by closed borders? Does ISIL really want to keep all of its opponents in Syria and Iraq when instead it can drive them out to Europe? Why have to kill or control millions of people by preventing their flight?

Don’t expect any explanations or questions from the media about the story that is set in stone.

The threat to the European political establishment is not ISIL. The threats are the rising anti-EU, anti-immigrant political parties: Pegida in Germany, the UK Independence Party, and the National Front in France. The latest poll shows the National Front’s Marine Le Pen leading as the likely French president.

Something had to be done about the hords of refugees from Washington’s wars, or the establishment political parties faced defeat at the hands of political parties that are also unfriendly to Europe’s subservience to Washington.

EU rules about refugees and immigrants and Germany’s acceptance of one million of the refugees, together with heavy criticism of those governments in Eastern Europe that wanted to put up fences to keep out the refugees, made closing borders impossible.

With the Paris terror attacks, what was impossible became possible, and the President of France immediately announced the closing of France’s borders. The border closings will spread. The main issue of the rising dissident political parties will be defused. The EU will be safe, and so will Washington’s sovereignty over Europe.

Whether or not the Paris attacks were a false flag operation for the purpose of obtaining these results, these results are the consequences of the attacks. These results serve the interests of the European political establishment and Washington.

Is ISIL so unsophisticated not to have realized that? If ISIL is that unsophisticated, how did ISIL so easily deceive French intelligence? Indeed, can French intelligence be intelligent?

Can Western peoples be intelligent to fall for a story set in stone prior to any evidence? In the West, facts are created by self-serving statements from governments. Investigation is not part of the process. When 90 percent of the US media is owned by six mega-corporations, it cannot be any different.

As The Matrix grows in the absurdity of its claims, it nevertheless manages to become even more invulnerable.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books areThe Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.

The original source of this article is Paul Craig Roberts
Copyright © Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts, 2015

பாரிஸ் தாக்குதலின் பின்னணி என்ன?

Paris Attacks: Wait For Few More days – You Will Know The Truth
November 16, 2015 | Filed under: Colombo Telegraph,Opinion | Posted by: COLOMBO_TELEGRAPH

By Latheef Farook –

Latheef Farook 
Are these senseless attacks and the killing of 128 innocent people in the French capital Paris on Friday 14 November 2015 yet another 9/11 type conspiracy to deceive the world to enhance the New World Order by further oppressing and brutalizing Muslims in the West and the world at large?

This is the question now being asked by over.

For example the 9/11 tragedy in New York destroyed the World Trade Centre and killed around 4000 people- except Jews who didn’t go to work on that day for reasons better known to them.

President George Bush, in the footsteps of his equally war monger father George Bush Sr, accused the Al Qaeda of bombing WTO, invaded Afghanistan within 27 days and turned that war battered and poverty stricken country into a slaughter house besides setting up US military bases to cover Central Asian Muslim countries.

However former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton openly claimed later that Al Qaeda was created by United States. Added to this reports began to emerge of the involvement of Israel and American governments to exploit the tragedy to invade and destroy Muslim countries, massacre millions of innocent Muslims and destroy Muslim societies.

Well known American entertainment businessman, film producer , director and political activist Aaron Russo once disclosed that Rockefeller told him eleven months before the 9/11 tragedy, that there would be a major event .In its wake Afghanistan will be invaded followed by Iraq where oil fields will be grabbed.

Rockefeller’s prediction came true.

Reinforcing this disclosure the Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, Sr. exposed in vivid details of the Mossad involvement in the 9/11 tragedy with the complete connivance of the George Bush administration.

However these disclosures did not find any space in the western media which, remains integral part of US led European -Israeli war mongers, made every effort to cover up US-Israeli involvement.

However since 9/11, under the guise of fighting a so called War on Terrorism, manufactured by US and Israel, Islam has been demonized and Muslims have been slaughtered all over.
Never in the more than 14 century history of Islam was such fierce and merciless global campaign unleashed against Muslims. Every Muslim woman with a scarf and every Muslim man with beard were associated with violence and attacked, arrested, jailed, tortured and even killed by the civilized west.

Last week a Muslim woman in London was pushed to a passing train. This has become an ongoing program of which Arab dictators have been willing and shameless collaborators.

This is the reason why people all over question last Friday’s tragedy in Paris whether it is a stage managed to further intensify this campaign and crush the sidelined Muslims in France and elsewhere in the West.

Accusing ISIL of being responsible French President Francois Hollande said in his television address to the nation “France will be merciless against the terrorists and will triumph over barbarism.” He described “It is an act of war that was waged by a terrorist army, a jihadist army, by Daesh, against France.

President Hollande’s fatwa accusing American created Israeli train d and Saudi funded ISIS has given virtually license for others to attack Muslims.

It was also stated by the western media that ISIS has taken responsibility for the attack. This report was used by the western media known for misleading the world with false and cooked up reports.

Commenting on this one report said “I have looked at the said ” claims of Isis”, and I can tell you that I have NO DOUBT whatsoever that they are FAKE CLAIMS in and out of themselves, made by ISLAMOPHOBES, If that was the same i$i$ everyone is bombing, they would have NO ability to do any of this, and NO possibility of being able to make such claims and not BOMBED immediately as soon as they make the claims. The internet is controlled TOTALLY by US and EU, and if they focus on you (which they are supposed to be doing on Isis), then they can see exactly where every letter and dot is posted from. They want you to believe that ISIS has done it

Selling the myth of ISIL claim, World leaders gathered last Sunday along Turkey’s Mediterranean coast, promised a forceful international response to the terrorist attacks in Paris.

President Barack Obama, soaked in the innocent blood of Afghans, Yemenis, Syrians, Pakistanis and others, vowed to “redouble” U.S.-led efforts to combat Islamic State, saying the militant group had launched an “attack on the civilized world.”

However don’t rush to conclusion. Wait for few more days or weeks. You will come to know, the real culprit as it happened in almost every bombing and killing in Europe. They first blame Muslims but later proved to be the work of Israel.

Already citing Jerusalem Post the UK based International Business Times had this to state on 14 November 2015.

The report under the title Paris attacks misinformation: Israel is to blame columnist Taku Dzimwasha had this to state;

With rumors and false information floating about in the digi-verse, International Business Times, UK exposes six of the most persistent falsehoods. According to the Jerusalem Post the co-founder of the Free Gaza movement, Mary Hughes-Thompson, raised the possibility that Israel was behind the deadly attacks that hit Paris on Friday night, killing 128 people.

“I haven’t accused Israel of involvement. Still, Bibi [Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] is upset about the European settlement boycott. So who knows,” Hughes-Thompson tweeted following the attacks on 13 November.

The “European settlement boycott” refers to new labeling guidelines for goods produced in the areas captured by Israel in the 1967 Six Day War which the EU approved earlier this week.

Following the Paris terrorist attack on the Charlie Hebdo newspaper in January, Hughes-Thompson similarly hinted at Israeli involvement.

`மக்கள் போராடுவார்கள்`- முதல்வர் வாக்குறுதி, போராட்டம் ஒத்திவைப்பு.

டிசம்பர் 15க்கிடையில் அரசு தீர்வுகாணாவிட்டால், போராட்டம் தொடரும்: தமிழ் அரசியல் கைதிகள் அறிவிப்பு

இது தொடர்பில் அவர்கள் சிறைச்சாலை ஆணையாளர் நாயகத்திற்கு கையளித்த கடித விபரம் வருமாறு:

தமிழ் அரசியல் கைதிகள் 

சிறைச்சாலை ஆணையாளர் நாயகம் 

கனம் ஐயா

உண்ணாவிரதத்தை நிறுத்துவது தொடர்பாக:

தமிழ் அரசியல் கைதிகளாகிய நாம் எமது விடுதலையை வலியுறுத்தி, 12.10.2015 அன்று, உண்ணாவிரதப் போராட்டத்தை ஆரம்பித்திருந்தோம். இன்று புதிய மகசின் சிறைச்சாலைக்கு வந்திருந்த எதிர்க்கட்சித் தலைவர் இரா.சம்பந்தன், நவம்பர் மாதம் 7 ஆம் திகதிக்கு முன்னதாக கைதிகளின் விடுதலை தொடர்பாக பொறிமுறை ஒன்று வகுக்கப்படும் என்று ஜனாதிபதி அவர்கள் தன்னுடன் தொலைபேசியில் தொடர்பு கொண்டு உறுதியளித்ததாக, எம்மிடம் நேரடியாகத் தெரிவித்தார். 

இதற்கிணங்க நாங்கள் எமது போராட்டத்தைத் தற்காலிகமாக இடைநிறுத்திக் கொண்டோம். அத்துடன் நவம்பர் 7 ஆம் திகதிக்கு முன்னதாக, ஆக்கபூர்வமான அதாவது எமக்குத் திருப்தியளிக்கத்தக்க வகையிலான தீர்வு கிடைக்காத பட்சத்தில், மீண்டும் விட்ட இடத்தில் இருந்து போராட்டத்தை ஆரம்பிப்போம் என தெரிவிக்கும் அறிக்கையொன்றை இரா.சம்பந்தன் அவர்களிடம் கையளித்திருந்தோம்.    

நவம்பர் 7 ஆம் திகதி வரை திருப்திகரமான தீர்வு எதுவும் கிடைக்காமையால், நாம் 8 ஆம் திகதி முதல் நாம் எமது போராட்டத்தை ஆரம்பிக்க வேண்டியதாயிற்று. நேற்றைய தினம் 16 ஆம் திகதி எமது உண்ணாவிரதப் போராட்டம் 9 ஆவது நாளைப் பூர்த்தி செய்திருந்தது. எம்மில் பலருடைய உடல்நிலை மிக மோசமடைந்திருந்தது. 

இந்த நிலையில் புதிய மகசின் சிறைச்சாலைக்கு வருகை தந்திருந்த வடமாகாண முதலமைச்சர் விக்னேஸ்வரன் அவர்கள், எம்மை எமது போராட்டத்தைக் கைவிடுமாறு கோரியிருந்தார். 
வடமாகாண சபை உறுப்பினர்களும், வடக்கு கிழக்கு பாராளுமன்ற உறுப்பினர்களும், புலம்பெயர் சமுதாயமும், மக்களும் ஒன்றிணைந்து தமிழ் அரசியல் கைதிகள் விடுதலையடையும் வரையில் போராட்டத்தைக் கொண்டு செல்வார்கள் என்று எமக்கு நம்பிக்கையோடு உறுதியளித்தார். 

பின்னதாக அமைச்சர் சுவாமிநாதன் அவர்களோடு, பாராளுமன்ற உறுப்பினர் சுமந்திரன் அவர்களும் புதிய மகசின் சிறைச்சாலைக்கு வருகை தந்து, கைதிகளினால் கோரப்பட்டிருந்த புனர்வாழ்வு பெறுவதற்கான விண்ணப்பத்தை அரசு சாதகமாகப் பரிசீலிப்பதாகவும், முதற் கட்டமாக (நவம்பர் 16 ஆம் திகதியில் இருந்து) பத்து நாட்களுக்குள் முதல் தொகுதி கைதிகள் புனர்வாழ்வுக்கு அனுப்பப்படுவார்கள் எனவும் உறுதியளித்தனர். 

மேலும், கைதிகள் தமிழ் அரசியல் கைதிகள் அனைவரும் கட்டம் கட்டமாக, முற்றாக விடுதலை செய்யப்படுவார்கள் எனவும், ஜனாதிபதி மற்றும் பிரதமர் போன்றோர் கொள்கையளவில் இணங்கியுள்ளனர் எனவும் தெரிவித்தனர். 

இச்சூழ்நிலையில் கைதிகளாகிய நாம், எதிர்வரும் டிசம்பர் மாதம் 15 ஆம் திகதிக்கு முன்னதாக, கைதிகளின் விடுதலை தொடர்பில் அரசாங்கத்தின் செயற்திட்டம் சரியான முறையில் முன்னெடுக்கப்படுகின்றது என உணராத பட்சத்தில், நாம் ஏதாவது ஒரு வழிமுறையில், சாத்வீகப் போராட்டத்தை முன்னெடுக்க வேண்டிய துர்ப்பாக்கிய நிலைக்குத் தள்ளப்படுவோம் என்பதை வேதனையுடன் அறியத் தருகின்றோம்.


தமிழ் அரசியல் கைதிகள்   

இந்திய-இலங்கை மீனவர் சங்கங்களிடையே கலந்துரையாடல்

இந்திய-இலங்கை கடற்றொழிலாளர்கள் பிரச்சனை மீனவர் சங்கங்களிடையே கலந்துரையாடல் இரு நாட்டு கடற்றொழிலாளர் பிரச்சனைக்கு தீர்வு காணும் முகமாக இந்திய...