Showing posts with label OWSM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OWSM. Show all posts

Monday, February 27, 2012

நடுநிசியில் லண்டன் முதலாளித்துவ எதிர்ப்பு முற்றுகை முறியடிப்பு!

Occupy London: police move in to evict St Paul's protesters

Dozens of police moved in to clear protester's tents from the steps of St Paul’s Cathedral last night, breaking up a camp which has lasted more than 100 days.

By James Orr
1:13AM GMT 28 Feb 2012 Daily Telegraph UK

More than 40 bailiffs also arrived to dismantle the controversial site in the heart of the city of London.

The removal of “tents and equipment” came after protesters lost their court battle to continue with their campaign against corporate greed.

The activists, who were largely peaceful as officers moved in, were told that although they had a right to protest they were blocking a public highway and must leave.

One protester, called Edwin, described the scene as police moved in shortly after 12.30am. Only a few dozen activists appeared to be at the site. He said: “I am a new member. I didn’t know the eviction was happening.

“There are over 100 bailiffs and police here. Word on the ground is that they can’t forcefully evict protesters. All they can do is taker away the tents.

“The police don’t have a right to remove the people themselves, just the physical tents. That’s what they come here to do. It has been peaceful.”

The campaigners planned to begin their protest outside the Stock Exchange in the City on 15 October last year, but when their path was blocked they pitched their camp at St Paul's.

Negotiations between the church, City of London Corporation and the protesters failed to come to an arrangement for them to leave and eventually the case went to court.

High Court Judge Keith Lindblom visited the camp last month during the hearing.
Lawyers for the protesters argued that the courts must guard freedom of expression and assembly, which is enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights.

But the corporation's legal team said they were not seeking the court orders to prevent lawful and peaceful protest, but argued that the right to protest did not justify a semi-permanent campsite on the public highway, especially one outside St Paul's Cathedral.

Last night, an activist called Dave, from Occupy Scotland, said: “There is only 100 people here making a stand. I am ashamed that there are not 10,000 people here making a stand.

“I wonder whether they’ll be able to hold their heads up in 10 years time.
“One of our greatest achievements is the community that we’ve created. The Occupy movement is the most critical movement in human history in my view. We are far from finished, we’re just getting started.”

The protesters said their camp did not hinder worship or have a detrimental impact on people visiting or working in the area, but the corporation claimed there had been an increase in crime and disorder.

Over the last three months human rights activist Rev Jesse Jackson, fashion designer Vivienne Westwood and musicians and several commentators have visited the camp.

Days after the camp was set up, St Paul's Cathedral closed its doors for the first time since the World War II citing health and safety concerns.

Following its reopening top clerics in the cathedral, including the former dean Rt Rev Graeme Knowles, and Dr Fraser Giles, resigned.

A statement from the City of London Corporation said last night: “City of London Corporation today began to enforce removal of tents and equipment. We regret its come to this.”

இந்திய-இலங்கை மீனவர் சங்கங்களிடையே கலந்துரையாடல்

இந்திய-இலங்கை கடற்றொழிலாளர்கள் பிரச்சனை மீனவர் சங்கங்களிடையே கலந்துரையாடல் இரு நாட்டு கடற்றொழிலாளர் பிரச்சனைக்கு தீர்வு காணும் முகமாக இந்திய...