Saturday 30 December 2023

A statement issued by the Palestinian resistance factions

A delegation in the Damascus on 2 March in order to ‘coordinate efforts’ among
the different Palestinian resistance factions-Thecradle

A statement issued by the Palestinian resistance factions

▪️The leadership of the Palestinian resistance factions held a consultative meeting in Beirut, in which they discussed the developments of the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle in light of the continuing Zionist aggression against our land, our people, and our sanctities, especially in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian West Bank, and Jerusalem, and concluded the following results:

First: The attendees praised, with great pride, the heroic steadfastness of our people in the occupied territories, and especially the legendary steadfastness of our people in the Gaza Strip, where the children, women and general population of our people face, with bare chests, the brutal acts of the Israeli enemy, which affected shelter centers for the displaced, homes and residential homes. Mosques, churches, schools, hospitals, and general infrastructure institutions and facilities, within the framework of implementing the project of genocide and scorched earth against our steadfast people, who steadfastly thwarted the project of mass displacement to the Arab neighborhood, to empty the resistant sector of its population, and annex it to the state of occupation and mass murder, in a plan that has become Very clear, aiming to end the Palestinian national issue and liquidate the legitimate national rights of our people, to self-determination, and to establish an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, and to guarantee the right of return for refugees from our people to their homes and property, in accordance with Resolution 194, in exchange for annexing the territories occupied in the 1967 war of aggression, and establishing The state of "Greater Israel", at the expense of our national project, the identity of our people, and their right to sovereignty over their land and the establishment of their independent entity in a fully sovereign national state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Second: The attendees stopped at the heroic actions of the valiant resistance in the occupied Palestinian territories in general, and in the Gaza Strip in particular, and praised its ability to thwart the enemy’s goals and demonstrate its inability and fragility of its forces in the field. They also praised the unity of struggle of all the military arms of the resistance factions, as it was demonstrated in the field. Creativity, smart tactics, and actions that exceeded expectations, coming in the continuation of the strategic “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle, which made October 7, 2023 a historic turning point, shaking the international situation, reaffirming that the Palestinian issue is still and will remain the pivotal issue on the regional level, even if it declines. The interest in it was not due to the decline in its position on the political map in the region, but rather an expression of the decline in the official leadership role, which based its calculations on betting on the American project, the “two-state solution,” and the “understanding” project with the Zionist occupation, the “Oslo Accords.”

In this context, the attendees affirm their determination to continue the resistance in the field, and in other forums, until the barbaric war against our people stops and the aggression against the Gaza Strip is defeated.

Third: The attendees affirmed that the direct and immediate combat tasks that must be achieved are the following:

1) Immediately stop the Israeli enemy’s war of annihilation, scorched earth and ethnic cleansing in the Gaza Strip.

2) Breaking the siege on the Gaza Strip, and beginning to supply our people with all the necessities of life, while at the same time enabling us to rebuild institutions and infrastructure. Providing the necessary supplies to reactivate and support the medical system, which was about to collapse under the weight of the barbaric acts of the Israeli aggression, and transferring serious cases of the wounded in the Gaza Strip to treatment abroad in brotherly and friendly countries.

3) Arab, Islamic and international commitment to reconstruction, and a request to brotherly and friendly countries, and international and regional organizations, most notably the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the United Nations, to launch an international initiative to rebuild what was destroyed by the occupation and the barbaric aggression in the Gaza Strip, and to work diligently to restore life. To the arteries of the Strip, to provide the necessary foundations to strengthen the steadfastness of our people and their adherence to their land, as a minimum reward for the legendary sacrifices they made that astonished the whole world.

Fourth: The attendees stressed their condemnation and rejection of Western and Israeli circles’ scenarios for the so-called “day after” of Gaza. The attendees also stressed that such scenarios, which are rejected in general and in detail, only constitute a failed bet to break the steadfastness of our people and our valiant resistance, and these are just pipe dreams that will not come true either now or in the future, especially after the signs of the enemy’s defeat appeared to be dawning on us, in his frank acknowledgment of the numbers of his dead and wounded over the years. The hand of our resistance, and his being forced to withdraw the largest and most important part of his forces, after they were disgraced in the field, at the hands of our resistance heroes in the field.

The attendees affirm that our national movement and our valiant resistance have the struggle, intellectual and political resources that qualify them to reject all projects and scenarios that are presented as a “solution” to the Gaza issue, as there is no issue specific to the Gaza Strip, an issue specific to the West Bank, or another issue specific to Jerusalem.

The Palestinian issue is an issue for all of Palestine, its land, people, rights, future and destiny, and the solution to the issue can only be achieved by the departure of the occupation and settlement in all its forms, which opens the door for our people to determine their national destiny on their land.

Fifth: The attendees agreed on the necessity of confronting the consequences of the barbaric war on our people, with a unified struggle and struggle strategy that re-presents our cause as an issue of national liberation for a people under occupation. In this context, they present the following proposals to all parties and components of the Palestinian national movement:

1- Calling for an inclusive and binding national meeting that includes all parties without exception, to implement what was agreed upon in previous Palestinian dialogues, and to confront the consequences of the barbaric war on our people in the Gaza Strip, and the barbaric attacks of settler gangs and occupation forces, and the settlement and annexation projects in the West Bank, with Jerusalem at its heart.

2- Rejecting all solutions and scenarios for the so-called “future of the Gaza Strip,” and presenting a Palestinian national solution, based on the formation of a national unity government, emerging from a comprehensive national consensus that includes all parties, concerned with unifying the national institutions in the occupied territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and bearing their responsibilities in Adopting projects aimed at rebuilding what was destroyed by the barbaric invasion of the Gaza Strip, restoring life to our people there, and preparing for elections.

3- Full emphasis on the necessity of a final ceasefire and all acts of aggression, and a comprehensive withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, as a condition for discussing the exchange of prisoners, and on the “all for all” basis, the whitening of prisons, and stopping arrests against our people in the occupied territories.

4- Developing and strengthening the Palestinian political system, on democratic foundations, through general elections (presidential, legislative and national councils), according to the full proportional representation system, in free, fair, transparent and democratic elections, in which everyone participates, in a way that rebuilds internal relations on the foundations and principles of the National Coalition, And true national partnership.

The assembled attendees pay tribute to the martyrs of our people in the occupied territories, especially to our people in the Gaza Strip. They wish a speedy recovery to the wounded, and they pay tribute to those who are steadfast despite the cruelty and brutality of the aggression in the Gaza Strip. They also pay tribute to the countries and resistance forces in our nation for their role in supporting and resisting our people.

They also extend a greeting of respect to our Arab peoples, and to the free people of the world, who came out in their countries and capitals, condemning Zionist terrorism, supporting the right of our people to defend themselves, their land and their dignity, and calling for more political, media and material support and support, in order to establish a global front against terrorism. The Israeli aggression and Atlantic barbarism, led by the United States, are the number one enemy of the peoples of the world who yearn for freedom, independence, prosperity, and decent living.

Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command

Beirut on 12/28/2023 (PFLP WEB)

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