Monday 4 August 2014

PFLP: We will not raise the white flag in the face of massacres

PFLP: We will not raise the white flag in the face of massacres
Aug 03 2014

A statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of  Palestine in the Gaza Strip

We will not raise the white flag – and the blood of the martyrs of Rafah and Gaza illuminates the road to liberation

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine saluted proudly the heroic military resistance of the Palestinian people east of Rafah, leading to the deaths of many soldiers and reports of the capture of an officer, confirming that the continued Zionist crimes against the people of Gaza, the latest being the massacre of dozens of people in Rafah, will not pass in vain, and that the blood of the martyrs of our people will remain a beacon that illuminates our path to liberation.

The criminal and brutal Zionist enemy intended in advance to target the city of Rafah through massive assaults on the city since yesterday, committing open atrocities against our people without seeing any need to justify its continuous aggression since its occupation began on the land of Palestine. The barbaric war machine’s crimes during the continued assault on Gaza for over 26 days confirms its defeat by the resistance strikes as it has resorted instead to bloody massacres against civilians, innocent women, men, children and elders in indiscriminate and massive bombing and shelling. The Front also reiterated the resistance’s confirmation that the clash with invading occupation soldiers took place before the beginning of the humanitarian ceasefire.

The Front is confident in the Palestinian resistance, its military wings, and its achievements, and the occupation’s criminal assaults and invasions of Rafah are desperate attempts to justify its utter failure in front of the great and brave resistance and its heroism, noting at the same time that the resistance is prepared to confront all of the occupation’s threats and plans to invase Rafah. The resistance will not give up, our people’s resolve will not be broken. We will not raise the white flag. We are determined to win this battle and the resistance will continue to shatter the image of the invincible Zionist soldier.

The Front renewed its emphasis on the need for our people in the West Bank to escalate their ongoing clashes with the Zionist occupation in all areas, and also emphasized the need for the Palestinian people in exile and diaspora, the Arab masses and the free people of the world to escalate their actions to support Gaza and take the streets and besiege the embassies of the Zionist enemy and expel their ambassadors.

The Front also demanded that the official Palestinian leadership 
immediately sign without any delay the Rome Statute and go to the 
International Criminal Court to prosecute the leaders of the occupation for their heinous crimes in the Gaza Strip. There is no excuse for continued postponement on this and the lack of response is understood clearly as collusion and participation in the aggression.

The PFLP saluted the steadfastness of our people in Rafah, Beit Hanoun and throughout the Strip who are subjected to systematic genocide, saying that victory is coming to reward their immense steadfastness and patience in the face of unspeakable crimes.

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