Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Fort Mosque Receives Threatening Letter

Fort Mosque Receives Threatening Letter With Raw Pieces Of Pork

Tuesday, 01 July 2014 17:39

 Fort Mosque Receives Threatening Letter With Raw Pieces Of Pork
A mosque in Colombo Fort received a threatening letter on Saturday with raw pieces of pork
ordering the Mosque authorities to halt the reconstruction of the mosque.

A priest attached to the  Mosque who was present at the time had opened the threatening letter.

Eye witnesses said he was disturbed after seeing the letter and the raw pieces of pork which
were sent to him by an unidentified person.

Hearing of this incident the local police authorities had visited the mosque, but it was learned that
the mosque authorities had not lodged a complaint with the police.

However, speaking to Tamil media the mosque authorities had expressed their utmost
displeasure and disappointment with this act.

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