Thursday 31 March 2011

Musa Kusa in UK

Musa Kusa: Why UK gave sanctuary to this 'Gadafi's State' murderer?

Why did we give this murderer sanctuary?
* He's up to his neck in Lockerbie,
*WPC Fletcher's death and arming the IRA.
*Yet ministers hail Libyan's defection as a coup

By Tim Shipman, James Slack, David Williams and Jack Doyle
Last updated at 11:34 PM on 31st March 2011

> Musa Kusa, 'brains behind Lockerbie bombing', defects after MI6 pressure

> David Cameron accused of handing Kusa 'get out of jail free' card

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Defection: Former Libyan minister Musa Kusa arrived in Britain on Wednesday and taxpayers will have to pay for his protection

David Cameron is facing furious demands to put Gaddafi’s ‘envoy of death’ on trial after his defection to Britain.

The Prime Minister was last night accused of handing Musa Kusa – who masterminded the Lockerbie bombing and numerous other atrocities – a ‘get out of jail free card’.

It is estimated that housing and guarding the former Libyan foreign minister will cost taxpayers here more than £1million a year.

But Mr Cameron hailed the defection of Kusa as a ‘serious blow’ to the ‘crumbling and rotten Gaddafi regime’.

Last night sources said two more senior Gaddafi figures are in Tunis discussing deals with British and French intelligence officers, while at least eight others have defected to Tunisia.

In all, 12 former henchmen could be ready to defect to Britain. But as MI6 and the Foreign Office welcomed Kusa, critics said he should face justice like Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s deputy who fled to Britain in 1941.

Scottish prosecutors demanded to question the defector about the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 in 1988.

Detectives from Scotland Yard are also set to talk to him about the murder of WPC Yvonne Fletcher by a Libyan gunman in 1984.

Families of those killed in Lockerbie, Britain’s worst terror atrocity, branded the UK a ‘soft touch’ – especially after the release of the Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Al Megrahi in 2009.

There is also anger from MPs about Kusa’s support for the IRA during the height of its mainland bombing campaign. Libya supplied Semtex to the Provisionals in the 1970s and 80s.

Yesterday MPs said taxpayers should not have to foot the bill to protect Kusa from assassination.

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