Thursday, July 28, 2011

"DSK Maid" Tells of Her Alleged Rape by Strauss-Kahn: Exclusive - Newsweek

சட்டத்தின் முன் யாவரும் சமமா?
அமெரிக்க பிரெஞ்சு நீதித்துறையே, IMF காமுகன் DSKஐ ஆயுட்கால தனிமைச் சிறையில் அடை!

The Maid's Tale

She was paid to clean up after the rich and powerful. Then she walked into Dominique Strauss-Kahn's room—and a global scandal. Now she tells her story.
Christopher Anderson / Magnum for Newsweek

''I run. I run out of there. I don't turn back," says Diallo. "I didn't want to loose my job."
“Hello? Housekeeping.”The maid hovered in the suite’s large living room, just inside the entrance. The 32-year-old Guinean, an employee of the Sofitel hotel, had been told by a room-service waiter that room 2806 was now free for cleaning, “Hello? Housekeeping,” the maid called out again. No reply.

The door to the bedroom, to her left, was open, and she could see part of the bed. She glanced around the living room for luggage, saw none. “Hello? Housekeeping.” Then a naked man with white hair suddenly
appeared, as if out of nowhere.That’s how Nafissatou Diallo describes the start of the explosive
incident on Saturday, May 14, that would forever change her life—and that of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund and, until that moment, the man tipped to
be the next president of France. Now the woman known universally as the “DSK maid” has broken her public silence for the first time, talking for more than three hours with NEWSWEEK at the office of her
attorneys, Thompson Wigdor, on New York City’s Fifth Avenue.
(Read full)

"DSK Maid" Tells of Her Alleged Rape by Strauss-Kahn: Exclusive - Newsweek

இந்திய அரசே இராசபட்சேவை கூண்டிலேற்று!

EU warns on Kosovo violence

EU warns on Kosovo violence: "A deadly flare-up of violence in Kosovo's Serbian-populated north has sent tensions with Belgrade soaring and prompted a stern intervention from the EU."

``எவ்வழியிலேனும் ஒழித்துக்கட்டுங்கள்`` கோத்தபாயவின் உத்தரவு!

`ஓயாத அலை`!

Sri Lanka's Genocidal War - '95 to '01

Witness to the historic exodus and military occupation of Jaffna
an eye witness account written by Rev.Dr.S.J.Emmanuel in January 1996 The night of Monday October 30 , l995 was a black night in the entire history of the age-old city of Jaffna. Never has history witnessed
such an exodus of fear and panic stricken people screaming and squeezing themselves out of the narrow roads and lanes of Jaffna. The nearly half a million population in and around the town was literally
on the roads in pouring rain inching its way out of the densely populated town into the sparsely populated and ill -equipped suburban villages of Chavakachcheri, Kodikaman and Palai. It was for everyone a flight for survival.......

The Paris - educated lady knew only too well how densely populated the Jaffna town was. She knew of the ways of displacements which had made Jaffna already a congested town. She knew that it was a town made into a dark prison without the facilities of electricity, transport, communications, etc.

She knew the desperate situation of a congested town population eating the bare minimum and languishing on the borders of death and destruction. She also knew the anguish and agony of the increasing number of orphans and widows as a consequent of the twelve years of war.

But all those were drowned in her love for power, loyalty to the chauvinistic ideals of her race and above all by her rage against the de fact leadership in Jaffna........

Saturday, July 23, 2011

இந்திய அரசே ராஜபட்சேவை போர்க்குற்றவாளி என அறிவி!

இந்திய அரசே ராஜபட்சேவை போர்க்குற்றவாளி என அறிவி!

நடவடிக்கை எடு!

பொருளாதாரத் தடை விதி!

தமிழீழ விடுதலைப்புலிகள் மீதான தடையை நீக்கு!

ஈழத்தமிழ் அகதிகளுக்கு அரசியல் ஜனநாயக உரிமைகளை வழங்கு!

என முழங்கி மக்கள் ஜனநாயக இளைஞர் கழகத்தின் ஏற்பாட்டில் நடந்த கண்டன ஆர்ப்பாட்டத்தில் உணர்வுகொண்ட உழைக்கும் மக்கள் நூற்றுக்கணக்கில் கலந்து கொண்டனர்.

கறுப்பு ஜூலை 1983 இன் 28ஆம் ஆண்டு நினைவின் அடையாளமாக நடந்த இக்கண்டன ஆர்ப்பாட்டம் கடலூர் உழவர் சந்தையின் முன்றலில் நடைபெற்றது.

தோழர் தெய்வச்சந்திரன் தலைமையில் நடைபெற்ற கண்டனக்கூட்டத்தில் தோழர் ஞானம், தோழர் மனோகரன் கண்டன உரை நிகழ்த்தினர்.

தோழர் பெரியண்ணன் நன்றியுரை செலுத்தினார்.
உலகத் தொழிலாளர்களே ஒடுக்கப்பட்ட தேசங்களே ஒன்று சேருங்கள்!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Clinton's TN visit/ SL HC meets Jajalalithaa

Clinton’s TN visit
* A sigh of relief from Lanka
SL HC meets Jayalalithaa
* War crimes allegations not taken up

Clinton’s TN visit: A sigh of relief from Lanka

Daily Mirror Friday, 22 July 2011 00:46
By Dianne Silva

The Chennai visit by the United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her meeting with Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa Jeyaram were not as fiery as feared by the Sri Lankan government, a top External Affairs Ministry official said yesterday.

He said the ministry had been alert to any negative fallout from Ms. Clinton’s meeting with Ms. Jayalalithaa and had expected a stronger statement than what was made by Ms. Clinton.

“It is not as bad as we expected,” the official added.

He said the news that a meeting had been arranged between Ms. Clinton and Ms. Jayalalithaa had been earlier denied by the Indian External Affairs Ministry.
The official said from what had transpired between the two it appeared that the US was pushing India to take on a greater leadership role in the region and the lukewarm remarks on Sri Lanka also indicated US being aware of the close links between India and Sri Lanka.

The official said no official comment could be made on Ms. Clinton’s visit to Tamil Nadu as the Sri Lankan
government did not wish to comment on India-US relations as it was auxiliary to the direct ties between Sri Lanka, India and US.

He said a final assessment on the absence of a powerful outcome from the meeting was testament to US’s lack of dominance in the region.

Ms. Clinton who voiced concern on Wednesday over the plight of the internally displaced people in Sri Lanka told Ms. Jayalalithaa that the US was looking at innovative and creative ideas on the Sri Lankan Tamil issue.

SL HC meets Jayalalithaa

* Meeting cordial; resettlement, re-democratisation discussed
* War crimes allegations not taken up
* JJ invited to visit Northern Province
* Issue of attacks on TN fishermen raised

The Island, July 21, 2011, 8:39 pm
By S. Venkat Narayan
Our Special Correspondent

NEW DELHI, July 21: Sri Lankan High Commissioner to India Prasad Kariyawasam today met Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayaram Jayalalithaa in Chennai—-the first such meeting between a Sri Lankan envoy and the state chief minister in more than half a century.

The Island understands from authoritative sources in Chennai that the meeting was cordial and friendly. Ms
Jayalalithaa was extremely courteous to Kariyawasam and his two colleagues from the Deputy High Commission in Chennai, listened carefully and asked questions with deep interest and concern.

The meeting took place in the chief minister’s office in Fort St George, and lasted 45 minutes. Kariyawasam
presented a bouquet to her, and conveyed greetings and congratulations from President Mahinda Rajapaksa for her recent impressive electoral victory and return to office as the chief minister for the third time.

The high commissioner is understood to have briefed Ms Jayalalithaa on the ongoing rehabilitation and resettlement of internally displaced Sri Lankan Tamils in the Northern Province.

He also told her about the reconciliation efforts being made by the Rajapaksa government, such as the work of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), the structured dialogue between the government and the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), and the nearly half a dozen meetings the president has had with the TNA parliamentarians so far. He presented her with documents detailing both the processes.

The envoy informed her that the Sri Lankan government was providing help to the more than 11,000 former Tamil Tigers who had been captured when the war ended. More than 8,000 of them had already returned to mainstream, and the rest would do so in the near future, he told her.

Kariyawasam extended her an invitation to her on behalf of the Sri Lankan Government to visit the Northern Province to see for herself the resettlement process. He also invited a delegation of members of parliament (MPs) from the state to observe the efforts being made to resettle the Tamil IDPs in the Jaffna peninsula.

Sources said Ms Jayalalithaa had raised the issue of the arrest and harassment of Tamil Nadu fishermen in the Palk Bay. She highlighted the need to re-democratise the Northern Province by holding elections there as soon as possible. She felt that the process of reconciliation too should be expedited early, and the island’s Tamils should be given what was their due so that they could get on with their lives without any further loss of time.

Significantly, she did not say anything about the so-called "war crimes" that the United Nations and the global
media say were committed by the Sri Lankan security forces in the months before the war ended with the killing of Velupillai Prabhakaran on 18 May 2009.

Kariyawasam was accompanied by Chennai-based Deputy High Commissioner Vadivel Krishnamoorthy and Minister Counsellor Ajwad. Ms Jayalalithaa was accompanied by the state’s Chief Secretary Debendranath Sarangi and five other senior officials.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

''செம்மொழிச் செம்மல்’’ கா.சிவத்தம்பி காலமானார்

இறுதி அரசியல் பணி.
முள்ளிவாய்க்கால் படுகொலைக்கு துணைபோன துரோகத்தை மூடி மறைக்க தமிழக முதல்வர் நடத்திய செம்மொழி மாநாட்டில் பேராசிரியர் சிவத்தம்பி


செய்தி: தமிழ்மொழிப் பேராசிரியர் திரு.கார்த்திகேசு சிவத்தம்பி கொழும்பு தெஹிவளையில் தனது இல்லத்தில் காலமானார். அன்னாரின் ஈமக்கிரிகைகள் கனத்தை மயானத்தில் நடைபெறும்.

ஏகபோக நிதியாதிக்கக் கும்பல்களை ஊட்டி வளர்க்கும் அமெரிக்க மத்திய வங்கி

Goldman Sachs Took Biggest Loan From Undisclosed 2008 Fed Crisis Program
By Bob Ivry and Bradley Keoun - Jul 6, 2011 9:50 AM GMT-1200

Goldman Sachs & Co., a unit of the most profitable bank in Wall Street history, took $15 billion from the U.S. Federal Reserve on Dec. 9, 2008, the biggest single loan from a lending program whose details have been secret until today.

The program, which peaked at $80 billion in loans outstanding, was known as the Fed’s single-tranche open-market operations, or ST OMO. It made 28-day loans to units of 19 banks between March 7, 2008, and Dec. 30, 2008. Bloomberg reported on ST OMO in May, after the Fed released incomplete records on the program. In response to a subsequent Freedom of Information Act request for details, the central bank disclosed borrower names, amounts borrowed and interest rates.

ST OMO is the last known Fed crisis lending program to have its details made public. The central bank resisted previous FOIA requests on emergency lending for more than two years, disclosing details in March of its oldest loan facility, the discount window, only after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled it had to. When Congress mandated the December 2010 release of data on special initiatives the Fed created in its unprecedented $3.5 trillion response to the 2007-2009 collapse in credit markets, ST OMO -- an expansion of a longstanding program -- wasn’t included.

“The Fed has come a long way over a long period of time as far as transparency,” said Raymond W. Stone, managing director and economist with Stone & McCarthy

Research Associates in Princeton, New Jersey. “They thought counterparties might be harmed, but now so much time has passed that the information is not as sensitive anymore.”

Primary Dealers
The 19 borrowers from the program are known as primary dealers, which are designated to trade government securities directly with Federal Reserve Bank of New York. They bid at auctions for ST OMO’s cash. While the rates they paid generally tracked the federal funds rate, the rate for some dipped as low as 0.01 percent in December 2008.

The New York Fed conducted 44 ST OMO auctions, according to its website. Banks bid the interest rate they were willing to pay for the loans and pledged mortgage-backed securities guaranteed by government-sponsored enterprises such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac as collateral for the Fed’s cash. The transactions were known as repurchase agreements, or repos.

Longstanding Program
ST OMO was an expansion of longstanding open-market operations, which offered cash for up to two weeks and were used as a tool of monetary policy. In March 2008, the Fed adapted the program to alleviate pressures in short-term credit markets, according to a news release the central bank issued at the time.

The program shouldn’t be grouped with the Fed’s other crisis lending initiatives because it was “not outside of the Fed’s standard authorities,” David E. Altig, senior vice president and director of research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, said in his blog in May.

The New York Fed posted aggregate data about the program on its website after each auction, said Jeffrey Smith, a New York Fed spokesman. By increasing the availability of short-term financing when private lenders were under pressure, “this program helped alleviate strains in financial markets and support the flow of credit to U.S. households and businesses,” he said. All of the ST OMO loans were repaid.

Some primary dealers used the program to help customers, such as hedge funds, finance their holdings of mortgage-backed securities, Stone said.

MBS Market
“The Fed didn’t want to just finance the primary dealers, they wanted the mortgage-backed securities market to become more fluid,” Stone said.

Credit Suisse Securities USA LLC, a unit of Switzerland’s second-biggest bank, had $45 billion in loans outstanding on Aug. 27, 2008 -- the largest peak borrowing amount, the data show.

“Credit Suisse was a net creditor throughout the crisis and made between $30 and $70 billion of liquidity available to central banks each day,” said Victoria Harmon, a spokeswoman for the bank in New York.

Six of the program’s top seven borrowers were units of foreign banks, the data show.

Goldman Sachs’s peak outstanding loans were the second- highest at $34.5 billion on Dec. 31, 2008, when interest rates were at their lowest, according to the data.

Michael DuVally, a spokesman for New York-based Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS), the parent company of the primary dealer, declined to comment.

Lehman Brothers
Lehman Brothers Inc. had two loans totaling $2 billion outstanding when its parent investment bank filed the biggest bankruptcy in U.S. history on Sept. 15, 2008, the data show. Those loans were repaid on Sept. 18, 2008, under a separate agreement, the Fed’s release said. Lehman’s peak borrowings from ST OMO reached $18 billion on June 25, 2008, according to the data.

Kimberly Macleod, a Lehman spokeswoman, didn’t immediately respond to an e-mail seeking comment.

RBS Securities Inc., a unit of Britain’s second-biggest bank by market capitalization, had $31.5 billion in loans outstanding on Oct. 8, 2008, and UBS Securities LLC, part of Switzerland’s biggest bank, borrowed as much as $20.5 billion on Nov. 26, 2008, the Fed said.

Among the smallest loans was one to Bear Stearns & Co., the primary-dealer unit of Bear Stearns Cos. The primary dealer took one loan from ST OMO for $500 million, on March 12, 2008, according to the release. JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) bought the New York-based investment bank four days later. The loan was repaid on April 9, 2008, the data show.
The information on ST OMO is available on the central bank’s Web site:

To contact the reporters on this story: Bob Ivry in New York at; Bradley Keoun in New York at;

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Gary Putka at; David Scheer at;

இந்திய-இலங்கை மீனவர் சங்கங்களிடையே கலந்துரையாடல்

இந்திய-இலங்கை கடற்றொழிலாளர்கள் பிரச்சனை மீனவர் சங்கங்களிடையே கலந்துரையாடல் இரு நாட்டு கடற்றொழிலாளர் பிரச்சனைக்கு தீர்வு காணும் முகமாக இந்திய...